About Dr. Cool

Dr. John A. Webster : Owner & Founder
John A.Webster (a.k.a. Doctor Cool) is a globally recognized expert on grinding, who combines both shop-floor and theoretical experiences in a range of abrasive processes. After 11 years as a professor at Birmingham University, UK, in 1989 he launched the Center for Grinding Research and Development, at the University of Connecticut. For 9 years John supervised the research of more than 50 graduate students in the area of grinding and precision manufacturing, gaining experience in all facets of abrasive processing. In 1998 John joined Saint Gobain Abrasives, first managing the UK Superabrasive R and D Center, then in 2000 moving to Massachusetts to manage the Grinding Systems Solutions team at the Higgins Center, supporting R and D and Applications Engineering staff. In 2004, John followed his passion and launched Cool-Grind Technologies. Initially the company focused on training and process optimization, then he introduced unique coolant application products using sub-contracted local machine shops. In 2010 he opened a 2000 square foot manufacturing facility in Ashford, Connecticut, using a range of CNC and manual machine tools. John’s current role within Cool-Grind Technologies includes business development, identifying new market opportunities, product sales, overseeing new generic product and specific customer product design, technical and academic article writing, and networking. Qualifications. PhD in “Adaptive Control of Cylindrical Grinding”, UK, 1985. Grinding publications include: 16 journal papers; 49 conference papers; 16 trade journal articles. Fellow of CIRP for the UK since 2002 Chairman and Senior Member of SME Abrasive Committee, 2005 – 2010 Produced a 500-page review of “Global Fixed Abrasive Grinding Research”, for AMT, January 2005. Highly developed teaching/training skills in all areas of grinding Author of nozzle design section of CIRP Manufacturing Encyclopedia in 2012.