Benefits of Coherent Jet Nozzle
Cool-Grind offers greater coherency for your coolant nozzle needs. Coherent coolant jets like those included in our Grind-Loc Modular Hose System offer a variety of benefits:
- More impact energy from the jet gives better wheel cleaning and better air barrier removal to better wet the wheel.
- The nozzle can be placed further away with no compromise of grinding performance. This means that the nozzle will be less likely to be damaged.
- Less entrained air in the jet gives rise to less foam at the filter system, and less air entering the porosity of the wheel.
- A coherent jet is more fully utilized in the grinding process than the spray from a poor nozzle design, reducing overall flowrate.
- A miniature laser attached to the nozzle can be used to predict the trajectory of the jet, which is not possible with a dispersed jet.

Benefits from the improved coherency of Cool-Grind nozzles using our Grind-Loc systems.

The coherency of Cool-Grind nozzle systems versus the poor performance of cut-tube jets offered by competitors.

Our Push-Fit Nozzle