• Powered by Jetstream Pumps®
  • Incorporates Hydracell HP cleaning pump and Grundfos LP booster pump in one enclosure
  • Comes with high performance Cool-Grind Technologies®, coherent jet, cooling and cleaning nozzles to suit your machine
  • 5 micron cartridge filter to protect the HP cleaning nozzles
  • Adjustable pressure relief valve for HP cleaning nozzle output
  • Adjustable flow valve for LP cooling nozzle output
  • HP and LP pressure gauges on outside of enclosure
  • Up to 70 psi pressure boost from existing pump to the LP cooling nozzles
  • Up to 1000 psi pressure for wheel cleaning
  • Fully enclosed, mobile unit that can be moved to different machines that need temporary pressure boosting and wheel cleaning, or for dedicated machine use
  • Unit is designed to be connected to your existing coolant pump and filtration system
  • System includes input hose, HP hose, LP hose, and spill-back hose
  • 24 volt DC controlled with electrical interface harness to your machine 
Grinding Fluid Intensifier
Grinding Fluid Intensifier
Grinding Fluid Intensifier
Grinding Fluid Intensifier

Available in 3 Models



(4 GPM HP and 20 GPM LP)
for up to 2-inch wide grinding wheel


(6 GPM HP and 30 GPM LP)
for up to 3-inch wide grinding wheel


(8 GPM HP and 50 GPM LP)
for up to 4-inch wide grinding wheel

Want to learn more about grinding under pressure? Read Dr. Cool's article in Cutting Tool Engineering