Gashing Needle Nozzle


Gashing Needle Nozzle

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  • Description

The Grind-Loc Gashing nozzle is a three jet design, using small diameter stainless steel tubing as the nozzles, where one jet hit the tip of the vee-shaped wheel and the other two straddle each side of the tip. The single swivel nozzle is as short as the compact nozzles to allow it to be mounted high enough to cool the 9 O'clock position of the tool on the wheel without interference. The 1/2" size uses 0.106" ID tubing and the 1/4" size uses 0.08" ID tubing.

Part Numbers:

  • 1/4” : CG-GLOC-VSN-14-3JET 
  • 1/2” : CG-GLOC-VSN-12-3JET