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- Description
Not sure if Grind-Loc will work for you? For a low cost, you can get an understanding of what Grind-Loc has to offer in this great Introductory Kit. Choose between our flat or round nozzle, and our 1/4" or 1/2" system.
Part Numbers:
- 1/4” Round Nozzle Kit : CG-GLOC-RSN-14-125-INTRO-KIT
- 1/4” Flat Nozzle Kit : CG-GLOC-FSN-14-380-050-INTRO-KIT
- 1/2” Round Nozzle Kit : CG-GLOC-RSN-12-187-INTRO-KIT
- 1/2” Flat Nozzle Kit : CG-GLOC-FSN-12-630-050-INTRO-KIT

The kit includes:
- 1 nozzle with swivel coupling
- 1 threaded adapter for mounting to your existing manifold - 3/8" NPT for 1/2" system, 1/4" NPT for 1/4" system
- 1 laser
- 1 laser adapter
- 2 knurled knob clamps
A $226.00 value for just $129